8ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Aγίας Παρασκευής

What is life?

Life is a rose, smell it
Life is darkness, lighten  it
Life is a journey, travel it
Life is a poem, read it
Life is a game, play it (by Alex Ch.)

Life is a smile, give it


Life is an ice cream, taste it


Life is the sun, look at it


Life is a joke, laugh with it


Life is life, fight for it (by Alexis K.)
Life is your heart, listen to  it
Life is a ladder, go up step by step
Life is a boat, try not to sink it
Life is a bet, try to earn as much you can
Life is life, fight for it (by Maria Oik.)
Life is a lesson, learn it
Life is locked, unlock it
Life is a chocolate, eat it
Life is a fairy tail, live it
Life is life, fight for it (by Vasilis Oik.)